Loading your freezer
Don’t make going into your freezer a hunting expedition, struggling to find the cuts of meat you’re looking for. Taking a few minutes to organize the way you load your freezer will make a big difference in how you are able to retrieve your cuts of meat, as well as easily keeping an inventory of how much you have left. Always remember to check the temperature of your freezer periodically. You should keep the temperature between 0 and -10 Fahrenheit.
Chest Freezer
Load your freezer stacking vertically (bottom to top), grouping the cuts of meat together in separate rows. As an example, if you are getting out a package of ground beef, directly under it should be the next package of ground beef. As you continue to get more packages you should be going straight down as you use it. Same for steaks, roasts, etc.
Upright Freezer
Load your freezer stacking horizontally (back to front on each shelf), grouping the cuts of meat together in separate rows. As an example, if you are getting out a package of ground beef, directly behind it should be the next package of ground beef. As you continue to get more packages, you should be going straight back as you use it. Same for steaks, roasts, etc.

beef freezer